The most pronounced name of modern fashion design history is undoubtedly the legendary fashion designer Giorgio Armani.This iconic figure of fashion design has created a new path in the world of style.From France to Mumbai ,Tokyo to Los angels he is the uncrowned king of the fashion and style. David Beckham,George Cloony,Johnny Depp,Shah Rukh Khan this are the people who wears Armani .Here are top ten crazy facts about this king of style:

Interior Collection.

1.Armani was a medical student:
Armani enrolled in the Department of Medicine at the university of Milan in 1950.He was inspired to create a career in medicine after reading The Citadel of A.J.Cronin's.But he left the university in 1953.2.Armani joined army:
Armani worked for army from 1953 after medical school.In the army he was appointed to the Military Hospital of Verona.As he was a medical student before ,he was appointed to that hospital.3.Armani was an window dresser:
Armani was an window dresser in a departmental store .He has worked for them for couple of months.4.Armani S.p.A is the largest privet fashion Brand in the world:
After working for decade as a freelancer fashion designer Armani founded his own fashion brand called Giorgio Armani S.p.A .Now Giorgio Armani S.p.A is the largest privet fashion brand in the world.The revenue of Armani S.p.A is around 2.5 billion usd.5.Armani owns hotel in Burj Khalifa :
Giorgio Armani is one of the most richest fashion designers .He owns a hotel in the skyscraper of dubai Burj Khlifa .It can accomodet around 300 people.All of the furniture s of the suite is created by Giorgio himself.6.Armani is president of a Basketball Team:
Giorgioa Armani is president of a basketball team Olimpia Milano .This is a italian basketball team from Milan.7.Armani is also an Interior designer:
Armani also designs interiors. The Directors suite of the Chelsea Football club is called The Armani Lounge as it was created by Girgio Armani.Furniture of this suite came from the Armani/CasaInterior Collection.
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