There is no need to introduce Michael Jackson .He is the King of Pop,Most Photographed Person ,The Most Successful Entertainer Ever.He started his career in 1964 at the age of 6.After that he ruled the entertainment industry for over 40 years until he left us in 2009.He has done 10 albums,and appeared in 10 films.He was a great performer and pioneer of Moon Walk.He's performances through his career was loved and spellbinded the audiences.He is the greatest stage performer ever.

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Here's top 10 Michael Jackson performances you should watch now:
Video courtesy:Ramontwente
video Courtesy:LiveMJHighDefination
Video Courtesy:Dorian Diaconu
Video Courtesy:Dennis Lau
Video Courtesy:LiveMJHighDefination
Video Courtesy:LiveMJHighDefination
Video Courtesy:MichaelJacksonism
Video courtesy: Dorian Diaconu
Video Courtesy:CandiCowboyscane

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Here's top 10 Michael Jackson performances you should watch now:
1.Beat It -1987 Bad Tour Yokohama
This is one of the very first "Beat It" song performance by Michael Jackson in Bad tour.In this video young Michael looks so energetic and on the top.He is dancing so first and good as always.Video courtesy:Ramontwente
2.Thriller - Live Wembley 1988
Thriller is a very famous track by Michael.This is the video of live performance in Wembley in 1988.Michael is wearing a lighting red jacket.He looks cool in this Courtesy:LiveMJHighDefination
3.Bad -Bad Tour Yokohama 1987
Bad is one of the most famous track of the Bad album.In this video Michael is wearing a black jacket and white t shirt.At the beginning he screams to the audience "Who's bad?" and the audince shouts back "We're Bad".He Performed several new steps in this performance.Video Courtesy:Dorian Diaconu
4.Billie Jean -First Live Moon Walk
In this performance Michael performed moon walk for the very first time.He is young,enthusiastic,lively in this video.Its a history making performance by the King of Pop.He also talks about the "Jackson 5" in this video."Jackson 5" is the family band of Michael Jackson,where he started his career as the vocal of the band.Video Courtesy:Dennis Lau
5.Michael Jackson Super Bowl Complete Version
In this video Michael looks stunning with his gold plated black jacket.At the beginning of the video he stands like a statue for a minute.Actually its a completion performance of all hit songs by Michael Jackson.Around 1000 performer was performing with him.6.They Don't Care About Us - Live Munich 1997
"They Don't Really Care About Us" is a mega hit by Michael Jackson.In this video he is in a golden suite with leg and hand guard and he looks like general .This is a must watch performance.Video Courtesy:LiveMJHighDefination
7.Dangerous - Live Munich 1997
Dangerous is the title track of 1991 released Dangerous.In a formal outfit Michael looks stunning.And dance moves are great furnished.This is a break dance style performance.Video Courtesy:LiveMJHighDefination
8. Grammy Awards Performance (1988)
In the 1988 Grammy Awards Michael was the talk of of the show.He performed in a blue shirt and a black trouser.He sang several songs including "Man In The Mirror".It is one of the most loved Grammy Award performance.Video Courtesy:MichaelJacksonism
9.We Are The World-At World Music Awards 2006
He appeared in stage after a long Break in 2006.He performed "We're The World" .People were screaming "the king is back".Michael threw his jacket to the audience.Many Of them were crying.This video has 5 million views on You Tube .Video courtesy: Dorian Diaconu
10.Michael Jackson's final performance two days before he died
This is not a live performance .This is a rehearsal for "This Is It" ,the come back concert he planned.But he could not make this true.This is the last video footage of Michael ,singing and dancing.Video Courtesy:CandiCowboyscane
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