Jack Ma is the Executive Chairman and the founder of the Alibaba Group.He is considered as one of the most successful Asian entrepreneur of this time.With a net worth of $22 billion he is also one of the richest persons of the planet.He started his journey with $20,000 and now created a whooping $150 billion publicly traded company.He has a great vision about business and life .There is a lot of things that young entrepreneurs can learn from him and can make their start ups successful.Here is top 10 quotes of Jack Ma about life,success and business:

Image Credit:Original Author

Image Credit:Original Author
1.I don't want to be liked,I want to be respected.

2.If we are a good team and know what we want to do,one of us can defeat ten of them.

3.Trade is a communication of cultures and values.

4.The very important thing,you should have patient.

5.Every technological revolution takes about fifty years.

6.Spending money is more difficult than making money.

7.Always keep in mind these three principles;what you want to do,what you should do,and how long you should do it.

8.You should learn from your competitor,but never copy.Copy and you die.

9.Hire the person best suited to the job,not the most talented.This can be very painful lesson.There is no point putting in a boeing jet engine when you need a tractor.

10.Never give up.Today is hard,tomorrow will be worse,but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.

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