Fruits are complete foods by nature.They are delicious ,colorful,rich in vitamins and minerals.Fruits improve our immune system.They are tasty ,juicy natural supplements.Lets see top ten fruits to improve your health :

"Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread".Yes its true.Apples are rich in vitamins and minerals .It contains 12 types of vitamins including vitamin A,B,C,E and K.It also contains 8 types of minerals including Calcium,Iron,Sodium,and Zinc.Apple contains moderate content of dietary fiber.Apple can make our immune system better and stronger.
Bananas are filled with potassium.Which can lower blood pressure.It contains 8 types of vitamins including Pantothenic Acid,Vitamin C,and also contains 8 types of minerals including Magnesium,Manganese .It also contains Fluoride .Banana contains large amount of Resistant Starch.It supplies instant energy to our body.Bananas can be eaten as snacks .Green Bananas contains more Calcium than yellow or ripped bananas.Banana also boosts our metabolism.
3.Blue Berry
Blueberries consist of 14% carbohydrates, 0.7% protein, 0.3% fat and 84% water. They contain only negligible amounts of micronutrients, with moderate levels (relative to respective Daily Values) of the essential dietary mineral manganese, vitamin C, vitamin K and dietary fiber .According to some researches Blueberries are proved to improve memory.Though blue barries are sweeet but it keeps us slim ,as it contains Manganese which boosts our metabolism.
Deep red delicious Cherries are also mind blowing in food value.Cherries helps to cut out bad cholesterol .They contain 12 types of vitamins including Riboflavin ,Vitamin C & K.They also contain 8 types of minerals including Iron .Potassium, and Zinc.It helps to less weight.
5.Dragon fruit:
A pitaya which is called the dragon fruit is a very healthy fruit from Maxico.The seeds of the fruit contains some types of fatty acids that we need but are not produced in our body.It contains 8 types of seed oils that can make us healthy.
Grapes are great.They contains Resveratrol a type of anti oxidant ,which keeps heart healthy.They contain 10 types of vitamins including Niacin .Vitamin E & K.They also contains 8 types of minerals including Phosphorus and Sodium.Grapes also have Malic Acid that makes our teeth healthy and bright.
Orange is another secret super fruit that you might not know.They contains huge amount of Vitamin C,that is good for our skin and eyes.In total they contain around 10 types of vitamins including Thiamine and Choline.They contain 6 types of minerals including Iron and Calcium .It also contains great amounts of fiver that keep our stomach healthy.They are also natural glucose source.
Pomegranates are rich in vitamins and minerals ,containing 10 types of vitamins including Vitamin B6 and Folate ,and 8 types of minerals including Zinc,Calcium and Sodium.They are also good anti oxidants.Pomegranate is also good for out immune system.
This sweet juicy fruits are also reach in Vitamin A and C.They contain 9 types of vitamins and 8 types of mineral that make them super fruit.Watermelons are great source of water.They keeps us away from be dehydration .Watermelon fruit is 91% water, contains 6% sugars, and is low in fat.So one can have watermelon as much as want.
Pineapple contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps break down food to reduce bloating.They also contain 4 types of vitamin and 8 types of minerals .They are rich in Manganese and Vitamin c.As they are also great source of fiver they keeps our metabolism good.
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